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Located in the anchorage of the Mid-Hudson bridge these switches were used to control the electric at one time. | A closer look. | Route 55 / Mid-Hudson Bridge directional sign. |
Mid-Hudson Bridge suspension cable from 1930. | Photograph taken during the construction of the Mid-Hudson bridge in the 1920's. | Mid-Hudson Bridge tile made for NYSBA's 50th anniversary. |
Coupon removed from the West tower of the Mid-Hudson Bridge in 1999. | An inside view of the bottoms of the suspension cables of the Mid-Hudson Bridge. | Outside view of cables. |
A coal bin which can be found in the anchorage of the Mid-Hudson Bridge was originally used to heat the toll house. | A second look at a coal bin which can be found in the anchorage of the Mid-Hudson Bridge was originally used to heat the toll house. | Commemorative switch used for the Poughkeepsie Bardivon dedication. |
The original toll schedule for the Mid-Hudson bridge which includes a list of prices to cross the bridge. | The original toll schedule for the Mid-Hudson bridge which includes a list of prices to cross the bridge. | An invitation to the opening of the Mid-Hudson Bridge. |
The original lights used to light the Mid-Hudson Bridge. | The original lights used to light the Mid-Hudson Bridge. | Print of Mid-Hudson Bridge |
Mid-Hudson Bridge North West Anchorage cable strands. |
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